Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Hungarian Pavilion (Seville World Expo ´92)

We were out one day with Paul, cycling along the Rio Guadalquivir when we passed the site of the ´92 World Expo on the other side of the river. I looked back and spotted a familiar sight, the seven towers of the Hungarian building. We turned back to see whether the gate was open and fortunately we could just walk through it to have a look around.

The building was built by Imre Makovecz who is probably the most famous Hungarian architect in my country. He has many amazing constructions and in most of them he uses the symbolism of the Hungarian folklore.

Even during its construction it attracted attention and it´s talked about as the most innovative building of the site. After the World Expo the architect tried everything in his power to take it to Hungary however he wasn´t successful. The sight of it today would break his heart, as it broke mine.

It saddened me greatly to see that this amazing building is already falling into disrepair. I admit I did try to go inside but I couldn´t. You can see a few photos about the inside and the outside of the building just after it was built here.

Apart from the Hungarian building the World Expo site has lots of awesome-looking buildings so it’s worth doing the short trip over the river.

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